The Journey

I must say I’ve had a very interesting hair journey. Relaxer free for six years and counting & I thank God that my hair has SURVIVED all the crazy things I’ve done to it over the past.Right now my main focus on my hair is health (and not so much length). My biggest struggle has been having extremely dry hair as it has gotten longer Continue reading



I have always struggled with dry skin and for so long, I tried to find the best products to help me keep my face moisturized and free of any breakouts. I’ve tried everything from facial kits to scrubs but to no avail. I wasted money, and my skin either broke out from the products, or remained dry.

Little did I know, that little box of baking soda sitting in my fridge was part of my remedy.

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Accepting You

Accept yourself because Jesus accepts you. You are beautiful in God’s eyes! See yourself as God sees you: Samuel 16:7 says “The Lord does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.” The bodies/flesh we live in are temporary, but it’s our hearts & spirit that truly last and shine (Ecclesiastes 3:11)!  Do not let the enemy persuade or sell you lies that you are physically inadequate. Instead look to what God says about you  & speak positive to yourself (Proverbs 18:21), and let God show you YOU, and just how beautiful He has already made you! Continue reading