
We have to remember to spend time with the One who created us, through prayer and reading the Bible. Before you were formed Jesus knew you! It is He who has a distinct purpose just for you and already prepared the way for you. Let His Holy Spirit direct you through His Word to reveal to you who He is and who you are in Him. For His love for us is boundless, and what He has prepared for us no man can fathom. The Lord is awesome and worthy to be praised! It’s amazing to know that our Father in Heaven never sleeps or slumbers, yet we are ALWAYS on His mind. 🙌😊 ❤

-Ash ❤
Let Love Lead



Good Morning everyone, I hope all is well. I’ve been watching emmanuel.tv (if you haven’t checked this network out DEFINITELY tune in, just click the link because the Lord is doing amazing things through this ministry and you will be blessed). The message that has been playing is talking about being ready for Jesus Christ when He returns. Tomorrow is never promised to anyone, and we cannot take for granted the time we have NOW to know God. If we are ready to die, we are ready to live. We have to stay rooted in the Word & Love as that is the only we we can know and establish a relationship with Jesus. Jesus said “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me (John 14:6).”  Continue reading

“Jordan and Jessica’s Story”


It is so amazing how God works. Both Jordan and Jessica were widowed shortly after they were married to their spouses. God allowed for these two to meet and fall in love. It just reminds me that our God is good despite our situations and that His unfailing love comforts those who trust Him.  And that all things do work together for the good of those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose (Romans 8:28). You will definitely be inspired, I know I am. All Glory to God!! Love is such a beautiful thing!

Definitely check out Jordan’s blog.